Montserrat Pàmies-Vilà


2024 |2023 |2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014


Pàmies-Vilà, Montserrat (2024)
"Pianinos mit dem Repetitionsverhalten eines Konzertflügels - Analyse mit künstlichem Finger und Spieltests (abstract)"
39. Musikinstrumentenbau-Symposium: Vom Pyramidenflügel zum Pianino – Die Entwicklung der aufrechtstehenden Pianoforte-Instrumente.

Pàmies-Vilà, Montserrat; Mayer, Alexander; Matusiak, Ewa, and Chatziioannou, Vasileios (2024)
"A method for the reproduction of cello bow kinematics using a robotic arm and motion capture,"
Acta Acustica 8(45). DOI↗ 

Chatziioannou, Vasileios; Pamies-Vila, Montserrat, and Hofmann, Alex (2024)
"Physics-based playability maps for single-reed woodwind instruments,"
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America - Express Letters 4, 033201. DOI↗ 

Pàmies-Vilà, Montserrat, and Saitis, Charalampos (2024)
"Timbral effects of col legno tratto techniques on bowed cello sounds (abstract),"
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 155, A60 (2024) - ASA Meeting in Ottawa DOI↗ 

Pàmies-Vilà, Montserrat (2024)
"Extended playing techniques as a source of unusual acoustic phenomena to explore with music students (abstract),"
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 155, A194 (2024) - ASA Meeting in Ottawa DOI↗ 


Mayer, Alexander and Pamies-Vila, Montserrat (2023)
"Reed Instrument Artificial Mouth: Eine Anblasmaschine für Rohrblattinstrumente mit künstlicher Zunge," rohrblatt 38(4), 150-154.

Mayer, Alexander; Pamies-Vila, Montserrat, and Chatziioannou, Vasileios (2023)
"Ein Roboterarm spielt Cello,"
OCG 48(4), 16-19.

Pamies-Vila, Montserrat; Matusiak, Ewa; Chatziioannou, Vasileios, and Mayer, Alexander (2023)
"A cello bowing playback device? Motion capture meets robotic arm,"
in 10th Convention of the European Acoustics Association, Forum Acusticum p. 2749-2756. DOI↗ 

Lampis, Alessio; Mayer, Alexander; Pamies-Vila, Montserrat, and Chatziioannou, Vasileios (2023)
"Examination of the static and dynamic bridge forces components of a bowed string,"
in Proceedings of Meetings of Acoustics, 51, 035002. DOI↗ 

Lampis, Alessio; Mayer, Alexander; Pamies-Vila, Montserrat, and Chatziioannou, Vasileios (2023)
"Examination of the static and dynamic forces at the termination of a bowed string (abstract),"
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 153 (3_supplement), A198.

Mayer, Alexander; Pàmies-Vilà, Montserrat (2023)
"RIAM 2.0 - Reed Instrument Artificial Mouth
A Blowing and Tonguing Device for Artificial Excitation of Single-Reed Woodwind Instruments
IWK Tech Report 1‐2023 (2023);


Montserrat Pàmies-Vilà, Anna Scheiblauer, Alexander Mayer, Vasileios Chatziioannou (2022) 
"A framework for the analysis of bowing actions with increased realisticness",
Proc. International Conference on Acoustics 2022, Gyeongju. 

Makayle Kellison, Whitney L. Coyle, Montserrat Pàmies-Vilà
"Objective identification of note-to-note transitory segments in clarinet playing (abstract)",
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 152, A82, ASA Meeting in Nashville.

Anna Scheiblauer, Alexander Mayer, Montserrat Pàmies-Vilà (2022) 
"Investigating the cello position, bow motion and cellist posture using motion capture",
Proc. Meetings on Acoustics (Vienna Talk 2022), Vienna.

Mehmet Ozdemir, Montserrat Pàmies-Vilà, Jouke Verlinden (2022) 
"User Evaluation of 3D-Printed Personalized Saxophone Mouthpieces",
Proc. Meetings on Acoustics (Vienna Talk 2022), Vienna.

Vasileios Chatziioannou and Montserrat Pàmies-Vilà (2022) 
"Analyzing the single-reed excitation mechanism",
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 152 (2), R3-R4.

Montserrat Pàmies-Vilà, Alexander Mayer, Vasileios Chatziioannou (2022) 
"Künstliche Saitenanregung mittels Roboterarm (poster)",
Proc. DAGA 2022, Stuttgart. 

Alexander Mayer, Vasileios Chatziioannou, Montserrat Pàmies-Vilà (2022) 
"The Universal Robots Real-Time Data Exchange (RTDE) and LabVIEW",
Report number: IWK Tech Report 1‐2022.


Montserrat Pàmies-Vilà, Alexander Mayer, Vasileios Chatziioannou (2021) 
"Reproducible excitation of string instruments using a robotic arm (abstract)",
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 150, A97, ASA Meeting in Seattle.

Mehmet Ozdemir, Vasileios Chatziioannou, Jouke Casper Verlinden, Gaetano Cascini, Montserrat Pàmies-Vilà (2021) 
"Towards 3D printed saxophone mouthpiece personalization: Acoustical analysis of design variations",
Acta Acustica, 5, 46.

Montserrat Pàmies-Vilà, Alexander Mayer, Werner Goebl, Gregor Widholm (2021) 
"Repetitionsverhalten beim Pianino: Spielbarkeit nach Einbau unterstützender Federmechanik",
in Proceedings of the DAGA 2021, Vienna. 

Montserrat Pàmies-Vilà (2021) 
"Expressive performance on single-reed woodwind instruments: an experimental characterisation of articulatory actions", 
PhD Thesis, Department of Music Acoustics - Wiener Klangstil, University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna.
Related lay-language publication for the mdw Magazin, in German and in English.

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Montserrat Pàmies-Vilà, Alex Hofmann, Vasileios Chatziioannou (2020) 
"The influence of the vocal tract on the attack transients in clarinet playing"
Journal of New Music Research, 49 (2), 126-135.

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Vasileios Chatziioannou, Sebastian Schmutzhard, Alex Hofmann, Montserrat Pàmies-Vilà (2019)
"Inverse modelling of clarinet performance"
in Proceedings of the International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV26).

Vasileios Chatziioannou, Sebastian Schmutzhard, Montserrat Pàmies-Vilà, Alex Hofmann (2019) 
"Investigating Clarinet Articulation Using a Physical Model and an Artificial Blowing Machine"
Acta Acustica united with Acustica 105 (4), 682-694.

Hofmann, Alex; Schmutzhard, Sebastian; Pàmies-Vilà, Montserrat; Erdoğan, Gökberk, and Chatziioannou, Vasileios (2019)
"An opcode implementation of a finite difference viscothermal time-domain model of a tube resonator for wind instrument simulations,"
in The Fifth International Csound Conference ICSC2019 (Cagli, IT).

Sebastian Schmutzhard, Montserrat Pàmies-Vilà, Alex Hofmann, Vasileios Chatziioannou (2019)
"Numerical simulation of transients in single reed woodwind instruments"
in Proceedings of the 2019 International Congress on Acoustics, Aachen, Germany.

Peter Mallinger, Montserrat Pàmies-Vilà, Vasileios Chatziioannou, Alex Hofmann (2019)
"Analysis of reed vibrations and mouthpiece pressure in contemporary bass clarinet playing techniques"
in Proceedings of the International Symposium on Musical Acoustics, Detmold, Germany.

Montserrat Pàmies-Vilà, Alex Hofmann, Vasileios Chatziioannou (2019)
"The player-reed interaction during note transitions in the clarinet"
in Proceedings of the International Symposium on Musical Acoustics, Detmold, Germany.

Montserrat Pàmies-Vilà, Alex Hofmann, Vasileios Chatziioannou (2019)best paper award
"Reproducing tonguing strategies in single-reed woodwinds using an artificial blowing machine (abstract)"
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 145 (3), 1677. 
Best student paper award in Music Acoustics, first place; ASA Meeting in Louisville.
Related lay-language publication for the Acoustical Society of America's Press Room.

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Vasileios Chatziioannou, Montserrat Pàmies-Vilà, Sebastian Schmutzhard, Alex Hofmann (2018)
"Physics-based resynthesis of clarinet performance using numerical optimization (abstract)"
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 144(3):1752-1752. ASA Meeting in Victoria. 

Montserrat Pàmies-Vilà, Alex Hofmann, Vasileios Chatziioannou (2018)
"Analysis of tonguing and blowing actions during clarinet performance"
Frontiers in psychology, 9, 617.

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Montserrat Pàmies-Vilà, Gary Scavone, Alex Hofmann, Vasileios Chatziioannou (2017)
"Investigating vocal tract modifications during saxophone performance"
Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics 174ASA 31 (1), 035002, New Orleans, USA.

Montserrat Pàmies-Vilà, Gary Scavone, Alex Hofmann, Vasileios Chatziioannou (2017)best paper award
"Investigating vocal tract effects during note transitions on the saxophone (abstract)"
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 142, 2545
Best student paper award in Music Acoustics, first place; ASA Meeting in New Orleans.

Vasileios Chatziioannou, Alex Hofmann, Montserrat Pàmies-Vilà (2017)
"An artificial blowing machine to investigate single-reed woodwind instruments under controlled articulation conditions"
Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics 174ASA 31 (1), 035003, New Orleans, USA.

Montserrat Pàmies-Vilà, Alex Hofmann, Vasileios Chatziioannou (2017)
"Analysis of tongue and blowing actions during articulation on the clarinet (abstract)"
in Abstracts of the International Symposium on Performance Science, Reykjavík, Island.

Montserrat Pàmies-Vilà, Alex Hofmann, Vasileios Chatziioannou (2017)
"Strain to displacement calibration for single-reeds using a high-speed camera"
in Proceedings of the International Symposium on Musical Acoustics, Montreal, Canada.

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Montserrat Pàmies-Vilà, Alex Hofmann, Vasileios Chatziioannou (2016)
"Measurement of dynamic bending and displacement of clarinet reeds"
Proceeding of 7th Congress of Alps-Adria Acoustics Association, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Chatziioannou, Vasileios; Hofmann, Alex; Pamies-Vila, Montserrat, and Schmutzhard, Sebastian (2016)
"Analyse der Klangformung durch Artikulation an Klarinetteninstrumenten (abstract),"
in Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Musikpsychologie (Vienna, AT).

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Montserrat Pàmies-Vilà (2015)
"Caractérisation du pincement de la harpe de concert en contexte musical"
Master Thesis, ATIAM Master Program, Paris.

Kubilay, Ibrahim Atakan; Vesikkala, Juhani T.; Pàmies-Vilà, Montserrat; Kuusi, Tuire, and Välimäki, Vesa (2015)
"High-speed line-scan camera measurements of piano string multiphonics.
Proceedings of the 22nd International Congress on Sound and Vibration. Vol. 3353501. 
http://iiav. org/archives_icsv_last/2015_icsv22/content/papers/papers/full_paper_316_2015050416

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Montserrat Pàmies-Vilà, Ibrahim Atakan Kubilay, Dimitri Kartofelev, Mirko Mustonen, Anatoli Stulov, Vesa Valimaki (2014)
"High-speed line-camera measurements of a vibrating string"
Proceeding of Baltic-Nordic Acoustic Meeting, Tallinn, Estonia.