Total number of scientific publications: 79

Peer-reviewed Journal Publications:

  1. Hofmann, A. (2024). DIWhy and How: Commentary on “DIY musical instruments” by Brown and Ferguson (2024). Journal of Ubiquitous Music (j-Ubimus), 1(1), 25–27. [pdf]

  2. Chatziioannou, V., Pàmies-Vilà, M., & Hofmann, A. (2024). Physics-based playability maps for single-reed woodwind instruments. JASA Express Letters, 4(3), 1–6.

  3. Lluís, F., Meyer-Kahlen, N., Chatziioannou, V., & Hofmann, A. (2023). Direction Specific Ambisonics Source Separation with End-To-End Deep Learning. Acta Acustica, 7, 1–12.

  4. Lluís, F., Chatziioannou, V., & Hofmann, A. (2022). Points2Sound: from mono to binaural audio using 3D point cloud scenes. J AUDIO SPEECH MUSIC PROC, 33, 1–15.

  5. Hofmann, A., Miksa, T., Knees, P., Bakos, A., Saglam, H., Ahmedaja, A., Yimwadsana, B., Chan, C., & Rauber, A. (2021). Enabling FAIR use of Ethnomusicology Data - through Distributed Repositories, Linked Data and Music Information Retrieval. Empirical Musicology Review – Special Issue on Open Science in Musicology, 16(1), 47–64. [pdf]

  6. Pàmies-Vilà, M., Hofmann, A., & Chatziioannou, V. (2020). The influence of the vocal tract on the attack transients in clarinet playing. Journal of New Music Research, 49(2), 126–135.

  7. Chatziioannou, V., Schmutzhard, S., Pàmies-Vilà, M., & Hofmann, A. (2019). Investigating Clarinet Articulation Using a Physical Model and an Artificial Blowing Machine. Acta Acustica United with Acustica, 105(4), 682–694.

  8. Pàmies-Vilà, M., Hofmann, A., & Chatziioannou, V. (2018). Analysis of Tonguing and Blowing Actions During Clarinet Performance. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 617.

  9. Hofmann, A., Wesolowski, B. C., & Goebl, W. (2017). The Tight-interlocked Rhythm Section: Production and Perception of Synchronisation in Jazz Trio Performance. Journal of New Music Research, 46(4), 329–341.

  10. Hofmann, A., & Goebl, W. (2016). Finger forces in Clarinet playing. Frontiers in Psychology. Performance Science, 7(1140).

  11. Wesolowski, B. C., & Hofmann, A. (2016). There’s More to Groove than Bass in Electronic Dance Music: Why Some People Won’t Dance to Techno. PLoS ONE, 11(10:e0163938).

  12. Chatziioannou, V., & Hofmann, A. (2015). Physics-based analysis of articulatory player actions in single-reed woodwind instruments. Acta Acustica United with Acustica, 101(2), 292–299.

  13. Hofmann, A., & Goebl, W. (2014). Production and perception of legato, portato and staccato articulation in saxophone playing. Frontiers in Psychology. Cognitive Science, 5(690).

All scientific publications sorted by year:

Total number of scientific publications: 79


  1. Heintz, J., & Hofmann, A. (2024). Roundtable – Future developments in Csound and its community. Proceedings of the International Csound Conference (ICSC) 2024, 155–156.

  2. Chatziioannou, V., Hofmann, A., & Pàmies-Vilà, M. (2024). Sound synthesis applications using a physical model of a single-reed woodwind instrument. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 155(3_Supplement), A197–A197.

  3. Hofmann, A. (2024). DIWhy and How: Commentary on “DIY musical instruments” by Brown and Ferguson (2024). Journal of Ubiquitous Music (j-Ubimus), 1(1), 25–27. [pdf]

  4. Grund, T.-T., Trinh, L. H., & Hofmann, A. (2024). Challenges and Prospects in Remote Cross-cultural Musical Interface Design. Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME) 2024, 1–4.

  5. Chatziioannou, V., Pàmies-Vilà, M., & Hofmann, A. (2024). Physics-based playability maps for single-reed woodwind instruments. JASA Express Letters, 4(3), 1–6.


  1. Kariũki, N., & Hofmann, A. (2023). Workshop on Body Percussion and Live Electronics. Proceedings of UbiMus2023 - International Symposium on Ubiquitous Music, 138–139. [pdf]

  2. Chatziioannou, V., & Hofmann, A. (2023). Two-dimensional playability maps for single-reed woodwind instruments (abstract). Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics.

  3. Lluís, F., Meyer-Kahlen, N., Chatziioannou, V., & Hofmann, A. (2023). Direction Specific Ambisonics Source Separation with End-To-End Deep Learning. Acta Acustica, 7, 1–12.

  4. Ahmedaja, A., Beitane, A., Hofmann, A., & Weise, M. (2023). Connecting Ethnomusicology Data Collections Using Distributed Repositories and Linked Data Technology (abstract). Proceedings of the 3rd Conference of the Portuguese ICTM National Committee, 8.

  5. Zorn, D., & Hofmann, A. (2023). Exploring interpretations of algorithmic compositions as live electronic performances. A Case Study on Chowing’s ’Stria’ (abstract). Proceedings of Vintage Materialities in Music (Belgium).


  1. Lluís, F., Chatziioannou, V., & Hofmann, A. (2022). Points2Sound: from mono to binaural audio using 3D point cloud scenes. J AUDIO SPEECH MUSIC PROC, 33, 1–15.

  2. Ahmedaja, A., Beitane, A., Lin, C. P., & Hofmann, A. (2022). Towards Connecting Ethnomusicology Data Collections Using Distributed Repositories and Linked Data Technology – Exploring Data Repositories, Dublin Core, and Linked Data Towards Interoperable Ethnomusicology Collections (abstract). Proceedings of the 24th Meeting of the Study Group on Historical Sources (ICTM Belgium).

  3. Marruffo, A. C., Thilakan, J., Hofmann, A., Chatziioannou, V., & Kob, M. (2022). Analysing musicians’ acoustic shadowing on the directivity of the trumpet. Proceedings of the DAGA 2022, 131–133. [pdf]

  4. Lluís, F., Meyer-Kahlen, N., Chatziioannou, V., & Hofmann, A. (2022). A Deep Learning Approach for Angle Specific Source Separation from Raw Ambisonics Signals. Proceedings of the DAGA 2022, 150–153. [pdf]


  1. Hofmann, A., Miksa, T., Knees, P., Bakos, A., Saglam, H., Ahmedaja, A., Yimwadsana, B., Chan, C., & Rauber, A. (2021). Enabling FAIR use of Ethnomusicology Data - through Distributed Repositories, Linked Data and Music Information Retrieval. Empirical Musicology Review – Special Issue on Open Science in Musicology, 16(1), 47–64. [pdf]

  2. Hofmann, A. (2021). Study for virtual keyboard instrument and hand tracking in a VR environment. Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME), (in print). [pdf]

  3. Marruffo, A. C., Mayer, A., Hofmann, A., Chatziioannou, V., & Kausel, W. (2021). Experimental investigation of high-resolution measurements of directivity patterns. Proceedings of the DAGA 2021, 856–859. [pdf]


  1. Weigl, D. M., Goebl, W., Hofmann, A., Crawford, T., Zubani, F., Liem, C. C. S., & Porter, A. (2020). Read/Write Digital Libraries for Musicology. 7th International Conference on Digital Libraries for Musicology, 48–52.

  2. Pàmies-Vilà, M., Hofmann, A., & Chatziioannou, V. (2020). The influence of the vocal tract on the attack transients in clarinet playing. Journal of New Music Research, 49(2), 126–135.


  1. Hofmann, A., Schmutzhard, S., Pàmies-Vilà, M., Erdoğan, G., & Chatziioannou, V. (2019). An opcode implementation of a finite difference viscothermal time-domain model of a tube resonator for wind instrument simulations. The Fifth International Csound Conference ICSC2019. [pdf]

  2. Hofmann, A., Chatziioannou, V., Schmutzhard, S., Erdoğan, G., & Mayer, A. (2019). The Half-Physler: An oscillating real-time interface to a tube resonator model. Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME) 2019, 130–133. [pdf]

  3. Hofmann, A., Schmutzhard, S., & Chatziioannou, V. (2019). Experimental setup for real-time control of a single-reed woodwind instrument model (Demo-Paper). Proceedings of the 2019 International Symposium on Musical Acoustics, 32. [pdf]

  4. Chatziioannou, V., Schmutzhard, S., Pàmies-Vilà, M., & Hofmann, A. (2019). Investigating Clarinet Articulation Using a Physical Model and an Artificial Blowing Machine. Acta Acustica United with Acustica, 105(4), 682–694.

  5. Sağlam, H., Ahmedaja, A., Hofmann, A., Knees, P., & Miksa, T. (2019). Towards An Alliance For Distributed Music Data (abstract). Abstracts of The 45th International Council for Traditional Music World Conference, 226–227.

  6. Chatziioannou, V., Hofmann, A., & Schmutzhard, S. (2019). A real-time physical model to simulate player control in woodwind instruments. Proceedings of ISMA 2019 International Symposium on Acsoustics, 279–283. [pdf]

  7. Chatziioannou, V., Schmutzhard, S., Hofmann, A., & Pàmies-Vilà, M. (2019). Inverse modelling of clarinet performance. Proceedings of the 26th International Congress on Sound and Vibration.

  8. Pàmies-Vilà, M., Hofmann, A., & Chatziioannou, V. (2019). Reproducing tonguing strategies in single-reed woodwinds using an artificial blowing machine (abstract). Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics, 1677.

  9. Mallinger, P., Pàmies-Vilà, M., Chatziioannou, V., & Hofmann, A. (2019). Analysis of reed vibrations and mouthpiece pressure in contemporary bass clarinet playing techniques. Proceedings of the 2019 International Symposium on Musical Acoustics, 90–94. [pdf]

  10. Pàmies-Vilà, M., Hofmann, A., & Chatziioannou, V. (2019). The player-reed interaction during note transitions in the clarinet (abstract). Proceedings of the 2019 International Symposium on Musical Acoustics, 320–327. [pdf]

  11. Schmutzhard, S., Pàmies-Vilà, M., Hofmann, A., & Chatziioannou, V. (2019). Numerical simulation of transients in single reed woodwind instruments. Proceedings of the 2019 International Congress on Acoustics. [pdf]


  1. Chatziioannou, V., Pàmies-Vilà, M., Schmutzhard, S., & Hofmann, A. (2018). Physics-based resynthesis of clarinet performance using numerical optimization (abstract). The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 144(3), 1752–1752.

  2. Gangl, M., & Hofmann, A. (2018). Intonation auf der Es-Klarinette. ’Rohrblatt - Die Zeitschrift Für Oboe, Klarinette, Fagott Und Saxophon, 33(2), 57–61. [pdf]

  3. Pàmies-Vilà, M., Hofmann, A., & Chatziioannou, V. (2018). Analysis of Tonguing and Blowing Actions During Clarinet Performance. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 617.


  1. Hofmann, A., Wesolowski, B. C., & Goebl, W. (2017). The Tight-interlocked Rhythm Section: Production and Perception of Synchronisation in Jazz Trio Performance. Journal of New Music Research, 46(4), 329–341.

  2. Hofmann, A., Chatziioannou, V., Mayer, A., & Hartmann, H. (2017). Monitoring saxophone reed vibrations using a piezoelectric sensor. 173rd Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America and the 8th Forum Acusticum, 141, 3619.

  3. Hofmann, A., Waerstad, B. I., Balasubramanian, S., & Koch, K. E. (2017). From interface design to the software instrument - Mapping as an approach to FX-instrument building. Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME) 2017, 133–138. [pdf]

  4. Chatziioannou, V., & Hofmann, A. (2017). Single-reed woodwinds: From physical modeling to sound radiation. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (JASA), 142(4), 2510.

  5. Chatziioannou, V., Hofmann, A., & Pàmies-Vilà, M. (2017). An artificial blowing machine to investigate single-reed woodwind instruments under controlled articulation conditions. Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics, 31(1), 035003.

  6. Pàmies-Vilà, M., Scavone, G., Hofmann, A., & Chatziioannou, V. (2017). Investigating vocal tract modifications during saxophone performance. Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics, 31(1), 035002. [pdf]

  7. Pamies-Vila, M., Scavone, G., Hofmann, A., & Chatziioannou, V. (2017). Investigating vocal tract effects during note transitions on the saxophone (abstract). Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (Fall 2017 Meeting), 142, 2545–2545.

  8. Pamies-Vila, M., Hofmann, A., & Chatziioannou, V. (2017). Strain to Displacement Calibration for Single-Reeds Using a High-Speed Camera. Proceedings of the 2017 International Symposium on Musical Acoustics, 5–8. [pdf]

  9. Schmutzhard, S., Chatziioannou, V., & Hofmann, A. (2017). Parameter Optimisation of a Viscothermal Time-Domain Model for Wind Instruments. Proceedings of the 2017 International Symposium on Musical Acoustics, 27–30. [pdf]


  1. Hofmann, A., & Goebl, W. (2016). Finger forces in Clarinet playing. Frontiers in Psychology. Performance Science, 7(1140).

  2. Wesolowski, B. C., & Hofmann, A. (2016). There’s More to Groove than Bass in Electronic Dance Music: Why Some People Won’t Dance to Techno. PLoS ONE, 11(10:e0163938).

  3. Hofmann, A., Waerstad, B., & Koch, K. (2016). Csound Instruments On Stage. Proceedings of the NIME 2016, 291–294. [pdf]

  4. Hofmann, A., Chatziioannou, V., Mayer, A., & Hartmann, H. (2016). Development of Fibre Polymer Sensor Reeds for Saxophone and Clarinet. Proceedings of the NIME 2016, 65–68. [pdf]

  5. Chatziioannou, V., Hofmann, A., Mayer, A., & Statsenko, T. (2016). Influence of strain-gauge sensors on the vibrational behaviour of single reeds. Proceedings of the 22nd International Congress on Acoustics, ICA 2016. [pdf]

  6. Gangl, M., Hofmann, A., & Mayer, A. (2016). Comparison of characterization methods for B-flat clarinet reeds. In M. Cudina (Ed.), Proceedings of the 7th AAAA Congress on Sound and Vibrations (pp. 179–186). ALPS Adria Acoustics Association. [pdf]

  7. Pamies-Vila, M., Mayer, A., Hofmann, A., & Chatziioannou, V. (2016). Measurement of dynamic bending and displacement of clarinet reeds. In M. Cudina (Ed.), Proceedings of the 7th AAAA Congress on Sound and Vibrations (pp. 171–178). ALPS Adria Acoustics Association. [pdf]

  8. Hofmann, A., Goebl, W., & Wesolowski, B. C. (2016). Synchronisation im Jazz Ensemble (abstract). Jahrestagung Der Deutschen Gesellschaft Für Musikpsychologie.

  9. Chatziioannou, V., Hofmann, A., Pamies-Vila, M., & Schmutzhard, S. (2016). Analyse der Klangformung durch Artikulation an Klarinetteninstrumenten (abstract). Jahrestagung Der Deutschen Gesellschaft Für Musikpsychologie.


  1. Chatziioannou, V., & Hofmann, A. (2015). Physics-based analysis of articulatory player actions in single-reed woodwind instruments. Acta Acustica United with Acustica, 101(2), 292–299.

  2. Hofmann, A., & Waerstad, B. I. (2015). COSMO 2.0 -Csound on Stage Musical Operator (abstract). The 3rd International Csound Conference.

  3. Wesolowski, B. C., & Hofmann, A. (2015). Invariant Measurement and Evaluation of Cognitive and Affective Responses to Groove-Based Music (abstract). Society for Music Perception & Cognition (SMPC).

  4. Hofmann, A., Wesolowski, B. C., & Goebl, W. (2015). Hi-hat as groove lock in a jazz ensemble? (abstract). Rhythm Production and Perception Workshop.

  5. Hofmann, A., & Reuter, C. (2015). Comparison of mouthpiece pressure signal and reed bending signal on clarinet and saxophone (Abstract). In A. Mayer, V. Chatziioannou, & W. Goebl (Eds.), Proceedings of the Third Vienna Talk on Music Acoustics (pp. 86–86). Institute Of Music Acoustics (Wiener Klangstil).

  6. Gangl, M., & Hofmann, A. (2015). Comparison between the measured and played intonation on four e-flat clarinets in the altissimo register. In A. Mayer, V. Chatziioannou, & W. Goebl (Eds.), Proceedings of the Third Vienna Talk on Music Acoustics (pp. 45–51). Institute Of Music Acoustics (Wiener Klangstil). [pdf]

  7. Hofmann, A. (2015). Controlling the Clarinet: Tongue and Finger Actions (abstract). Ninth Triennial Conference of the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music (ESCOM).

  8. Hofmann, A., Wesolowski, B. C., & Goebl, W. (2015). Rotating the Groove: Participatory Discrepancies with Varied Personnel in Jazz Trio Performance (abstract). International Symposium on Performance Sciene (ISPS), 104–105.

  9. Hofmann, A. (2015). Finger Forces in Clarinet playing (abstract). In A. Williamon & M. Miura (Eds.), International Symposium on Performance Sciene (ISPS) (pp. 68–69).

  10. Wesolowski, B. C., Hofmann, A., Schultz, B., & Goebl, W. (2015). Temporal Synchronization in improvised and groove-based jazz performances (abstract). Improvising Brain Concert and Symposium.

  11. Hofmann, A. (2015). Articulation and Finger Forces in Saxophone and Clarinet playing (phd-thesis) [PhD thesis]. IWK - Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien.


  1. Hofmann, A., & Goebl, W. (2014). Production and perception of legato, portato and staccato articulation in saxophone playing. Frontiers in Psychology. Cognitive Science, 5(690).

  2. Hofmann, A., Goebl, W., Zabransky, K., Weilguni, M., & Smetana, W. (2014). Monitoring Reed Vibrations and Finger Forces on a Viennese Clarinet (abstract). 6th Congress of the Alps Adria Acoustics Association.


  1. Hofmann, A., McCurdy, I., & Heintz, J. (2013). Collaborative Documentation of Open Source Music Software: The Csound Floss Manual. In J. Heintz, A. Hofmann, & I. McCurdy (Eds.), Ways Ahead: Proceedings of the First International Csound Conference (pp. 282–288). Cambridge Scholar Publishing.

  2. Weilguni, M., Hofmann, A., Smetana, W., & Goebl, W. (2013). Fabrication and mechanical characterization of ring-shaped LTCC/HTCC finger force sensors used for performance studies in clarinet playing. The 17th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems, 2741–2744. [pdf]

  3. Hofmann, A., Goebl, W., & Weilguni, M. (2013). Evaluating A Wavelet-based Analysis Of Sensor Reed Signals For Performance Research. In R. Bresin & A. Askenfeldt (Eds.), Proceedings of the Stockholm Music Acoustics Conference 2013, SMAC 13 (pp. 398–402). KTH Royal Institute of Technology. [pdf]

  4. Hofmann, A., Goebl, W., Weilguni, M., & Smetana, W. (2013). Zooming into saxophone performance: Tongue and finger coordination. In A. Williamon & W. Goebl (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Symposium on Performance Science 2013 (pp. 289–294). European Association of Conservatoires (AEC). [pdf]

  5. Weilguni, M., Hofmann, A., Smetana, W., Goebl, W., Nicolics, J., & Radosavljevic, G. (2013). Comparison of the Life-Time Prediction of Low/High Temperature Co-Fired Ceramics for Force Sensor Applications. Proceedings of the 2013 Conference of the European Ceramic Society.

  6. Hofmann, A., Chatziioannou, V., Weilguni, M., Goebl, W., & Kausel, W. (2013). Measurement setup for articulatory transient differences in woodwind performance. Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics, POMA - ICA 2013, 19, 035060.

  7. Chatziioannou, V., & Hofmann, A. (2013). Modeling articulation techniques in single-reed woodwind instruments. Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics, POMA - ICA 2013, 19, 035059.

  8. Hofmann, A., Mayer, A., & Goebl, W. (2013). Towards a live-electronic setup with a sensor-reed saxophone and Csound. Linux Audio Conference, 153–156. [pdf]

  9. Hofmann, A., Weilguni, M., Goebl, W., & Smetana, W. (2013). Die Sensorklarinette - Ein Messinstrument für Fingerkräfte beim Klarinettenspiel. Gesund Musizieren - Wissenschaftliche Tagung Der Österreichischen Gesellschaft Für Musik Und Medizin, 69.

  10. Ervik, K., Hofmann, A., & Waerstad, B. I. (2013). COSMO - Csound On Stage Musical Operator (abstract). 2nd International Csound Conference.


  1. Weilguni, M., Smetana, W., Radosavljevic, G., Nicolics, J., Goebl, W., & Hofmann, A. (2012). Low Temperature Co-fired Ceramics Processing Parameters Governing the Performance of Miniaturized Force Sensors. IMAPS/ACerS 8th International Conference and Exhibition on Ceramic Interconnect and Ceramic Microsystems Technologies (CICMT 2012). [pdf]

  2. Weilguni, M., Smetana, W., Hofmann, A., Goebl, W., Radosavljevic, G., & Nicolics, J. (2012). A ring-shaped LTCC/HTCC sensor for detection of finger forces in clarinet playing. IEEE Sensors 2012, 1114–1119.

  3. Hofmann, A., Goebl, W., Weilguni, M., Mayer, A., & Smetana, W. (2012). Measuring tongue and finger coordination in saxophone performance. In E. Cambouropoulos, C. Tsougras, P. Mavromatis, & C. Pastiadis (Eds.), 12th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition (ICMPC) and 8th Triennial Conference of the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music (ESCOM) (pp. 442–445). Aristotle University Thessaloniki. [pdf]

  4. Hofmann, A., Chatziioannou, V., Kausel, W., Goebl, W., Weilguni, M., & Smetana, W. (2012). The influence of tonguing on tone production with single-reed instruments. 5th Congress of the Alps Adria Acoustics Association. [pdf]


  1. Heintz, J., Hofmann, A., & McCurdy, I. (2011). Csound - Floss Manual (First Edition). Floss Manuals.

Public Outreach Publications:


  • Chatziioannou, V., Hofmann, A. (2023). Playability maps as aid for musicians, in Popular version of 5aMU6 – Two-dimensional playability maps for single-reed woodwind instruments at the 185th ASA Meeting



  • Waerstad, I.B., Hofmann, A. (2019). Csound and Bela: touching opcodes, Online publication in the Bela-WebBlog


Public Outreach Article in ‘rohrblatt - Zeitschrift für Oboe, Klarinette, Fagott und Saxophone’ a magazine for professional woodwind players.

  • Gangl, M., Hofmann, A. (2018). Intonation auf der Eb-Klarinette, ‘rohrblatt, 33(2), 57-61. ISSN 0944-0291 (pdf)

Selected Live-performances, Compositions and Sound Installations:

External Sources / Infos: