The Half-Physler is a hybrid acoustic-virtual single reed instrument, where a virtual tube is coupled to a real mouthpiece with a vibrating clarinet reed. We presented this instrument at the NIME 2019 conference in Porto Alegre, Brazil [1].

An opcode implementation of a finite difference viscothermal time-domain model of a tube resonator for wind instrument simulations

Furthermore we presented the resontube opcode for Csound [3], which is running at the core of the Half-Physler and can also be used in any other Csound instruments at the International Csound Conference 2019 in Cagli, Italy.

Find more information on the related Github Page and in the publication.

Live-Performances and Music

Based on the technology of the Half-Physler, two musical pieces were presented at the International Csound Conference 2019 in Cagli, Italy.

Alex Hofmann - 65.4 (2019) - 3’30”

Live electronics including digital processing, embedded systems

  • Alex Hofmann, halfphysler
  • Sebastian Schmutzhard, Cello and COSMO live electronics

Shadi Kassaee & Marijana Janevska

  • Duo for Half-Physler and Alma (2019) - 3’59”
  • Live electronics

During her Graduate Concert, Marijana Janevska performed an improvisational piece together with Petros Leivadas using her modified version of the Half-Physler [1] and ALMA by Joachim Heintz [2].

Abschlusskonzert Marijana Janevska: 24.07.2020 Hochschule für Muzik, Theater und Medien Hannover

  • Half-physler: Petros Leivadas
  • Live Electronics: Marijana Janevska


[1] Hofmann, A., Chatziioannou, V., Schmutzhard, S., Erdoğan, G., & Mayer, A. (2019). The Half-Physler: An oscillating real-time interface to a tube resonator model. In Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME) 2019 (Porto Allegre, BR: Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. The full-paper is available for download on

[2] Heintz, J. (2016). Knuth and Alma: Two Partners for Live-Electronics with Spoken Word. In Proceedings of the Third International Csound Conference (pp. 32–43). St. Petersburg, Russia: The Bonch-Bruevich St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications.

[3] Hofmann, A., Schmutzhard, S., Pàmies-Vilà, M., Erdoğan, G., & Chatziioannou, V. (2019). An opcode implementation of a finite difference viscothermal time-domain model of a tube resonator for wind instrument simulations. In The Fifth International Csound Conference ICSC2019. Cagli, IT.