During her Graduate Concert, Marijana Janevska performed an improvisational piece together with Petros Leivadas using her modified version of the Half-Physler [1] and ALMA by Joachim Heintz [2].

Abschlusskonzert Marijana Janevska: 24.07.2020 Hochschule für Muzik, Theater und Medien Hannover

  • Half-physler: Petros Leivadas
  • Live Electronics: Marijana Janevska

[1] Hofmann, A., Chatziioannou, V., Schmutzhard, S., Erdoğan, G., & Mayer, A. (2019). The Half-Physler: An oscillating real-time interface to a tube resonator model. In Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME) 2019 (pp. 130–133). Porto Allegre, BR: Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul.

[2] Heintz, J. (2016). Knuth and Alma: Two Partners for Live-Electronics with Spoken Word. In Proceedings of the Third International Csound Conference (pp. 32–43). St. Petersburg, Russia: The Bonch-Bruevich St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications. http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.50360