IWK visits the Collection of Historic Musical Instruments at KHM
The Department of Music Acoustics – Wiener Klangstil had the honour to visit the Collection of Historic Musical Instruments at the Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna, guided by the new director of the museum, Dr. Sebastian Kirsch. The visit provided a unique insight into the collection of historical instruments and the restoration workspace, and marked an exciting exchange between music acoustics research and museum curation.
Music Encoding News
We are pleased to announce two recent developments in the world of music encoding with contributions by IWK researchers:
mei-friend v.1.2 has been released, with major new features, including a dedicated interface for editorial markup, contributed by Anna Plaksin at Paderborn University / KreativInstitut Ostwestfalen-Lippe in collaboration with Werner Goebl and David M. Weigl (IWK). Please see the documentation of the new features (https://mei-friend.github.io/docs/advanced/markup/) prepared by Sophie Stremel (Paderborn).
MEI v5.1 has been released, with improved support for string tablature encodings, including German lute tablatures. These can now be rendered with Verovio as of version 4.5, thanks to improvements contributed by Paul Overell. Support for German lute tablatures has been a collaborative effort between the E-LAUTE project (https://e-laute.info) and the MEI Tablature Interest Group, with contributions by David Lewis (University of Oxford / Goldsmiths University of London), Reinier de Valk (University of Vienna), Olja Janjuš (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München / mdw), and David M. Weigl (IWK), building on extensive prior work by the MEI community.
First Prize Student Award - ASA Meeting
Our project member and PhD student Titas Lasickas won the First Prize Student Award at the Fall 2024 ASA Meeting. His paper entitled 2aMU3. Flow measurements in a bass recorder using particle image velocimetry was rated as outstanding by the jury. We congratulate him on this success!
Proceedings of the Csound Conference published
The Department of Music Acoustics – Wiener Klangstil has published the proceedings of the 7th International Csound Conference. The latest proceedings of the Csound conference cover key topics such as Sound Synthesis and Web Apps, GUIs and Skills in Live Electronics, Csound Expansion and Integrated Csound. The contributions offer an insight into innovative approaches to sound generation and user interfaces for live electronics. Special attention is paid to the further development of Csound.
Research exchange with the IEM from Graz
The mdw's Department of Music Acoustics – Wiener Klangstil (IWK) and the Institute for Electronic Music and Acoustics – IEM at the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz have organised an intensive research exchange. The focus of the meeting was on presenting current research projects, providing an overview of the respective scientific priorities, and linking research and teaching. The inspiring contributions of the IEM and IWK researchers helped to make the exchange lively and insightful. The joint tour of the IWK premises and the state-of-the-art Future Art Lab at the mdw was also particularly exciting.
Research results: Repetition behaviour of piano actions
Dr Montserrat Pàmies-Vilà was invited to give a talk entitled Pianinos mit dem Repetitionsverhalten einer Konzertflügels – Analyse mit künstlichem Finger und Spieltests at the 39th Symposium on musical instrument making in Michaelstein. The topic of the symposium was "From Pyramid Piano to Pianino – The Development of Upright Pianos". The presented topic summarises the results of the FFG project Repetition behaviour of piano actions.
Research visit in Chemnitz
Prof. Alex Hofmann from the Department of Music Acoustics – Wiener Klangstil visited Institute for experimental sensor technology in Chemnitz. The focus of the scientific exchange was on current projects in the fields of music acoustics, performance science, digital music research and experimental sensor technology, as well as innovative approaches in these fields.
New Publication in JASA Express Letters
A new article with the title "An experimental approach for comparing the influence of cello string type on bowed attack response" written by Alessio Lampis as a first author and Alexander Mayer and Vasileios Chatziioannou was published in the new Volume of the JASA Express Letters. In the article, our research team explores how string properties affect bowed string attack playability, revealing variations in attack duration across different cello G2 strings using robotic bowing and playability maps.
Lab tour for school children: "Parents at Work – Scientists"
As part of the school project "Parents at Work – Scientists", the Institute for Musical Acoustics – Wiener Klangstil organised a lab tour for primary school children aged 6 to 10. The young participants were given an insight into the world of science: they learned how researchers work and why their profession is so important. Particular focus was placed on interdisciplinary cooperation, which enables scientists from different research areas to work together on projects and solve problems from different perspectives. The aim of the tour was to spark an interest in science and give the children insights into our exciting professional world.