Research Meeting on SEA Instruments and Live-electronics

Framework: ASEA-Uninet
Duration: 01.01.2025-31.12.2025


Goal of the in-depth research meeting at mdw – University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna is to focus on the collaborative research on the live-electronics potential of traditional Southeast Asian musical Instruments and to explore methods of extending the instruments with technology for usage in live-electronics performances with the Universiti Malaya, Center for Ethnomusicology at the University of the Philippines, and mdw.


Monday, 30th June

Time:           Activity:

Research Meeting Kick-off

Tuesday, 1st July

Time:           Activity:

"Southeast Asian Instruments and Live-Electronics"

12:00–13:00   Lunch Break
13:00–19:00   "LE Workshop I"/Discussions
19:00   Dinner

Wednesday, 2nd July

Time:           Activity:

"LE Workshop II"/Discussions

15:00–15:30   Coffee break
15:30–16:30   Cross-cultural collaboration in LE

Thursday, 3rd July

Time:           Activity:

Visit at the Collection of Historic Musical Instruments (KHM)

Friday, 4th July

Time:           Activity:

Research Meeting Wrap-up

We are thankful for the support of Collection of Historic Musical Instruments (Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien), Bojana Tesan from International Office (mdw) and ASEA-Uninet.