Presentation at ICSC 2024
Written on October 1st , 2024 by AH
Tim-Tarek Grund presented his interface for Pitch Lattices as a sound installation at the International Csound Conference 2024 in Vienna, AT (Photo: T. Lasickas).
Title: “Polyomio Interface for Pitch Lattices”
Authors: Tim-Tarek Grund (mdw–Universität für Music und darstellende Kunst Wien)
There are several online applications that allow users to explore pitch lattices. However, few tangible interfaces for this purpose exist. The polyomino interface for pitch lattices aims to bridge this gap by providing a grid of fiducial markers representing pitches that can be played by covering them with geometric shapes (polyominoes). Moving, rotating and exchanging these pieces allows users to explore pitch relations in an intuitive way.
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